The columns Information Schema View
The columns Information Schema view contains one
row for each accessible column. It contains the following columns.
Column | Data Type | Explanation |
table_schema | VARCHAR(128) | Name of owner of table |
table_name | VARCHAR(128) | Name of table or view |
column_name | VARCHAR(128) | Name of the column in the table or view |
ordinal_position | INTEGER | Position of the column within its table The ordinal_position value is a sequential number that starts at 1 for the first column. This is the HCL Informix® extension to XPG4. |
data_type | VARCHAR(254) | Name of the data type of the column, such as CHARACTER or DECIMAL |
char_max_length | INTEGER | Maximum length (in bytes) for character data types; NULL otherwise |
numeric_precision | INTEGER | Uses one of the following values:
numeric_prec_radix | INTEGER | Uses one of the following values:
numeric_scale | INTEGER | Number of significant digits to the right of the
decimal point for DECIMAL and MONEY data types 0 for INTEGER and SMALLINT types NULL for all other data types |
datetime_precision | INTEGER | Number of digits in the fractional part of the seconds for DATE and DATETIME
columns; NULL otherwise This column is the HCL Informix extension to XPG4. |
is_nullable | VARCHAR(3) | Indicates whether a column allows NULL values; either YES or NO |
remarks | VARCHAR(254) | Reserved for future use |