Using the LOW mode option
Use the LOW option of the UPDATE STATISTICS statement to generate and update some of the relevant statistical data regarding table, row, and page-count statistics in the systables system catalog table. If you do not specify any mode, the LOW mode is the default.
In Informix®, the LOW mode also generates and updates some index and column statistics for specified columns in the syscolumns and the sysindexes system catalog tables.
The LOW mode generates the least amount of information about the column. If you want the UPDATE STATISTICS statement to do minimal work, specify a column that is not part of an index. The colmax and colmin values in syscolumns are not updated unless there is an index on the column.
UPDATE STATISTICS LOW FOR TABLE customer (customer_num);
Because the LOW mode option does not update data in the sysdistrib system catalog table, all distributions associated with the customer table remain intact, even those that already exist on the customer_num column.
UPDATE STATISTICS LOW FOR TABLE items (quantity,total_price);
the USTLOW_SAMPLE configuration parameter value
is zero, the default behavior for all sessions of the server instance
is for LOW mode sampling to be disabled. In this example, however,
the UPDATE STATISTICS LOW statement uses sampling, because the ON setting
in the preceding SET ENVIRONMENT USTLOW_SAMPLE statement overrides
the USTLOW_SAMPLE setting for subsequent LOW
mode statistical operations in the same session. For more information,
see USTLOW_SAMPLE environment option.