NULL Keyword
Within SQL, the keyword NULL is the only syntactic mechanism for accessing a NULL value. NULL is not equivalent to zero, nor to any specific value. In ascending ORDER BY operations, NULL values precede any non-NULL value; in descending sorts, NULL values follow any non-NULL value. In GROUP BY operations, all NULL values are grouped together. (Such groups might in fact be logically heterogeneous, if they include missing or unknown values.)
The keyword NULL is a global symbol in the syntactic context of expressions, meaning that its scope of reference is global.
Every data type, whether built-in or user-defined, can represent a NULL value. HCL Informix® supports cast expressions in the projection list. This means that users can write expressions of the form NULL::datatype, in which datatype is any data type known to the database server.
HCL Informix supports the typed NULL keyword in general expressions. NULL alone in these scenarios results in a -201 syntax error. As a result, if null is defined as a column name or a procedure name, it must be referenced with a table alias. Otherwise, it returns a -201 syntax error. The behavior is summarized in the following examples and results:
create table tab1 (a int, null int);
create table tab2 (a int, b int);
Statement | Result |
-201 syntax error |
-201 syntax error |
Valid syntax |
-201 syntax error |
-201 syntax error |
-201 syntax error |
-201 syntax error |
Valid syntax |
Valid syntax |
Valid syntax |
Valid syntax |
Valid syntax |
HCL Informix prohibits the redefinition of NULL, because allowing such definition would restrict the global scope of the NULL keyword. For this reason, any mechanism that restricts the global scope or redefines the scope of the keyword NULL will syntactically disable any cast expression involving a NULL value. You must ensure that the occurrence of the keyword NULL receives its global scope in all expression contexts.
null int
SELECT null, null::int FROM newtable;
The CREATE TABLE statement is valid, because the column identifiers have a scope of reference that is restricted to the table definition; they can be accessed only within the scope of a table.
- If the identifier null is interpreted as the column name, the global scope of cast expressions with the NULL keyword will be restricted.
- If the identifier null is interpreted as the NULL keyword, the SELECT statement must generate a syntactic error for the first occurrence of null because the NULL keyword can appear only as a cast expression in the projection list.
SELECT newtable.null, null::int FROM newtable;
LET a = 5;
LET null = 7;
LET b = null;
When the preceding function executes in DB-Access, in the expressions of the LET statement, the identifier null is treated as the keyword NULL. The function returns a NULL value instead of 7.
-947 Declaration of an SPL variable named 'null' conflicts
with SQL NULL value.
In ESQL/C, you should use an indicator variable if there is the possibility that a SELECT statement will return a NULL value.