List of SQLSTATE Codes
This table describes the class codes, subclass codes,
and the meaning of all valid warning and error codes associated with
the SQLSTATE variable.
Class | Subclass | Meaning |
00 | 000 | Success. |
01 | 000 | Success with warning. |
01 | 002 | Disconnect error. Transaction rolled back. |
01 | 003 | NULL value eliminated in set function. |
01 | 004 | String data, right truncation. |
01 | 005 | Insufficient item descriptor areas. |
01 | 006 | Privilege not revoked. |
01 | 007 | Privilege not granted. |
01 | I01 | Database has transactions. |
01 | I03 | ANSI-compliant database selected. |
01 | I04 | HCL Informix® database server selected. |
01 | I05 | Float to decimal conversion was used. |
01 | I06 | Informix extension to ANSI-compliant syntax. |
01 | I07 | UPDATE or DELETE statement does not have a WHERE clause. |
01 | I08 | An ANSI keyword was used as a cursor name. |
01 | I09 | Cardinalities of the projection list and of the INTO list are not equal. |
01 | I10 | Database server running in secondary mode. |
01 | I11 | Dataskip is turned on. |
02 | 000 | No data found. |
07 | 000 | Dynamic SQL error. |
07 | 001 | USING clause does not match dynamic parameters. |
07 | 002 | USING clause does not match target specifications. |
07 | 003 | Cursor specification cannot be executed. |
07 | 004 | USING clause is required for dynamic parameters. |
07 | 005 | Prepared statement is not a cursor specification. |
07 | 006 | Restricted data type attribute violation. |
07 | 008 | Invalid descriptor count. |
07 | 009 | Invalid descriptor index. |
08 | 000 | Connection exception. |
08 | 001 | Database server rejected the connection. |
08 | 002 | Connection name in use. |
08 | 003 | Connection does not exist. |
08 | 004 | Client unable to establish connection. |
08 | 006 | Transaction rolled back. |
08 | 007 | Transaction state unknown. |
08 | S01 | Communication failure. |
0A | 000 | Feature not supported. |
0A | 001 | Multiple server transactions. |
21 | 000 | Cardinality violation. |
21 | S01 | Insert value list does not match column list. |
21 | S02 | Degree of derived table does not match column list. |
22 | 000 | Data exception. |
22 | 001 | String data, right truncation. |
22 | 002 | NULL value, no indicator parameter. |
22 | 003 | Numeric value out of range. |
22 | 005 | Error in assignment. |
22 | 027 | Data exception trim error. |
22 | 012 | Division by zero (0). |
22 | 019 | Invalid escape character. |
22 | 024 | Unterminated string. |
22 | 025 | Invalid escape sequence. |
23 | 000 | Integrity constraint violation. |
24 | 000 | Invalid cursor state. |
25 | 000 | Invalid transaction state. |
2B | 000 | Dependent privilege descriptors still exist. |
2D | 000 | Invalid transaction termination. |
26 | 000 | Invalid SQL statement identifier. |
2E | 000 | Invalid connection name. |
28 | 000 | Invalid user-authorization specification. |
33 | 000 | Invalid SQL descriptor name. |
34 | 000 | Invalid cursor name. |
35 | 000 | Invalid exception number. |
37 | 000 | Syntax error or access violation in PREPARE or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE. |
3C | 000 | Duplicate cursor name. |
40 | 000 | Transaction rollback. |
40 | 003 | Statement completion unknown. |
42 | 000 | Syntax error or access violation. |
S0 | 000 | Invalid name. |
S0 | 001 | Base table or view table already exists. |
S0 | 002 | Base table not found. |
S0 | 011 | Index already exists. |
S0 | 021 | Column already exists. |
S1 | 001 | Memory allocation failure. |
IX | 000 | Informix reserved error message. |