SELECT statement
Use the SELECT statement to retrieve values from a database or from an SPL or Informix® ESQL/C collection variable. A SELECT operation is called a query.
Rows or values that satisfy the specified search criteria of the query are called qualifying rows or values. What the query retrieves to its calling context, after applying any additional logical conditions, is called the result set of the query. This result set can be empty.
>>-SELECT--| Select Options |-----------------------------------> .--------------------------------------------------------. V | >----+----------------------------------------------------+-+---> | (1) | '-+-UNION--+-----+-+------SELECT--| Select Options |-' | '-ALL-' | +-INTERSECT------+ '-+-MINUS--+-----' '-EXCEPT-' >--+-------------------------+--+----------------------+--------> | (2) | | (3) | '-| ORDER BY Clause |-----' '-| LIMIT Clause |-----' >--+----------------------------------------------------+-------> | (4) (5) | '-------+-FOR READ ONLY----------------------------+-' | (6) (7) | '-------FOR UPDATE--+----------------+-----' | .-,------. | | V | | '-OF----column-+-' >--+---------------------------------+------------------------->< | (4) (8) | '-------| INTO Table Clause |-----' Select options |--+------------------------------------+-----------------------> | (4) (9) | '-------| Optimizer Directives |-----' (10) >--| Projection Clause |----------------------------------------> (13) >--+-----------------------------+--| FROM Clause |-------------> | (11) (12) | '--------| INTO Clause |------' >--+----------------------------+-------------------------------> | (4) (14) | '-------| GRID Clause |------' >--+-----------------------+--+------------------------------+--> | (15) | | (16) | '-| WHERE Clause |------' '-| Hierarchical Clause |------' >--+--------------------------+--+------------------------+-----| | (17) | | (18) | '-| GROUP BY Clause |------' '-| HAVING Clause |------'
- See Set operators in combined queries
- See ORDER BY Clause
- See LIMIT Clause
- Informix extension
- See FOR READ ONLY Clause
- Informix ESQL/C only
- See FOR UPDATE Clause
- See INTO table clauses
- See Optimizer Directives
- See Projection Clause
- Informix ESQL/C and SPL routines only
- See INTO Clause
- See FROM Clause
- See GRID clause
- See WHERE clause of SELECT
- See Hierarchical Clause
- See GROUP BY Clause
- See HAVING Clause
Element | Description | Restrictions | Syntax |
column | Name of a column that can be updated after a FETCH | Must be in a FROM clause table, but does not need to be in the select list of the Projection clause | Identifier |
The SELECT statement can return data from tables in the current database, or in another database of the current database server, or in a database of another database server. Only the SELECT keyword, the Projection clause, and the FROM clause are required specifications.
For hierarchical queries that include the CONNECT BY clause, the FROM clause can specify only a single table that must reside in the local database of the Informix database server instance to which the current session is connected.
For queries that include the GRID clause, the instances of each table that the FROM clause specifies must have the same schema, the same database locale, and the same code set on every node that the GRID clause specifies.
The SELECT statement can reference no more than one external table that the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement has defined. In complex queries, this external table can be specified only in the outermost query. You cannot reference an external table in a subquery.
You need the Connect access privilege on the database to execute a query, as well as the Select privilege on the table objects from which the query retrieves rows.
Clause | Effect | |
Optimizer Directives | Specifies how the query should be implemented | |
Projection Clause | Specifies a list of items to be read from the database | |
INTO Clause | Specifies variables to receive the result set | |
FROM Clause | Specifies the data sources of Projection clause items | |
Aliases for Tables or Views | Temporary names for tables or columns in a query | |
Table expressions | Define derived tables as query data sources | |
Lateral derived tables | Define correlated table references in a query | |
The ONLY Keyword | Excludes child tables as data sources in queries of typed tables | |
Iterator Functions | Functions repeatedly returning values as a data source | |
ANSI Joins | Join queries compliant with ISO/ANSI syntax standards | |
Informix-Extension Outer Joins | Query syntax based on implicit LEFT OUTER joins | |
GRID clause | Specifies the nodes that store the tables of a grid query | |
Using the ON Clause | Specifies join conditions as pre-join filters | |
WHERE clause of SELECT | Sets conditions on qualifying rows and post-join filters | |
Hierarchical Clause | Sets conditions for queries of hierarchical data | |
GROUP BY Clause | Combines groups of rows into summary results | |
HAVING Clause | Sets conditions on the summary results | |
ORDER BY Clause | Sorts qualifying rows according to column values | |
ORDER SIBLINGS BY Clause | Sorts hierarchical data for siblings at every level | |
LIMIT Clause | Limits how many qualifying rows can be returned | |
FOR UPDATE Clause | Enables updating of the result set after a FETCH | |
FOR READ ONLY Clause | Disables updating of the result set after a FETCH | |
INTO TEMP clause | Puts the result set into a temporary table | |
INTO EXTERNAL clause | Stores the query result set in an external table | |
INTO STANDARD and INTO RAW Clauses | Stores the query result set in a permanent database table | |
UNION Operator | Combines the result sets of two SELECT statements and optionally discards duplicate rows | |
INTERSECT Operator | Returns distinct common rows from two query result sets | |
MINUS operator | Returns distinct rows that only the first of two queries return. |