Restricting return values with the SKIP, LIMIT, and FIRST options
You can use the SKIP, LIMIT, and FIRST options to restrict the number of return values. The SKIP option excludes the first specified number of return values. The LIMIT and FIRST options set the maximum number of return values.
There is no default value for the max or offset parameters of the FIRST, LIMIT, or SKIP options. If no integer or integer variable follows the FIRST, LIMIT, or SKIP keyword, the database server interprets that keyword as a column identifier. If no data source in the FROM clause has a column with that name, the query fails with an error.
You can use these features in cross-server distributed queries only if all of the participating database server instances support the SKIP, LIMIT, and FIRST options.
SKIP option
The SKIP offset option specifies the number of qualifying rows to exclude, for offset an integer in the SERIAL8 range, counting from the first qualifying row.
SELECT SKIP 10 a, b FROM tab1;
You can also use a host variable to specify
how many rows to exclude. In an SPL routine, you can use an input parameter or a local variable to
provide this value. You can also use the SKIP option to restrict the result sets of prepared SELECT statements, of UNION queries, in queries whose result set defines a collection-derived table, and in the events and actions of triggers.
- In the definition of a view
- In nested SELECT statements
- In subqueries, except for table expressions in the FROM clause.
FIRST option
The FIRST max option specifies that the result set includes no more than max rows (or exactly max, if max is not greater than the number of qualifying rows). Any additional rows that satisfy the selection criteria are not returned. If there are fewer than max qualifying rows, the sorted and unsorted query results always include the same rows, but typically not in the same order.
SELECT FIRST 10 a, b FROM tab1;
You can use a host variable or the value of an SPL input parameter in a local variable to specify max.
FROM tab1 WHERE col1 > 50 );
- In the definition of a view
- In nested SELECT statements
- In subqueries, except for subqueries that specify table expressions in the FROM clause
- In a singleton SELECT (where max = 1) within an SPL routine
- Where embedded SELECT statements are used as expressions
Instead of the FIRST or LIMIT option in the Projection clause, you can instead include the LIMIT clause after the Projection clause and the optional ORDER BY clause. For more information on the LIMIT clause, see LIMIT Clause.
LIMIT option
LIMIT is a keyword synonym for the FIRST keyword in the Projection clause. However, you cannot substitute LIMIT for FIRST in other syntactic contexts where FIRST is valid, such as in the FETCH statement.
Combining the SKIP option and the FIRST or LIMIT option
If a Projection clause with the SKIP offset option also includes a max limit that the FIRST or LIMIT option specifies, the query result set begins with the row whose ordinal position among qualifying rows is (offset + 1), rather than with the first row that satisfies the selection criteria.
SELECT SKIP 50 FIRST 10 a, b FROM tab1;
The SELECT clause in the next example uses the SKIP and FIRST options to insert no more than five rows from table tab1 into table tab2, beginning with the eleventh row: