Relational-Operator Condition
SELECT order_num FROM orders
WHERE order_date > '6/04/08';
SELECT fname, lname, company
FROM customer
WHERE city[1,3] = 'San';
Single quotation marks are required around 'San' because the substring is from a character column. See the Relational-Operator Condition.
Blank strings and empty strings in the WHERE clause
For LVARCHAR, NVARCHAR, or VARCHAR columns, queries with a WHERE clause specifying equality of the column value to an empty string (
WHERE varlength_col = ''
) return the same result set as an otherwise identical query in which the WHERE clause specifies equality to a string of blank (ASCII 32) characters.
For example, if varlength_col is of type VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, or LVARCHAR, the following WHERE clause examples are all functionally equivalent to a WHERE clause that specifies equality to an empty string:
WHERE varlength_col = ' '
WHERE varlength_col = ' '
WHERE varlength_col = ' '
Thus, for the built-in variable-length character data types, the WHERE clause makes no distinction between an empty string and a string consisting entirely of one or more blank characters. (Note, however, that the query filter
WHERE varlength_col IS NULL
is not equivalent to the previous WHERE clause examples, and returns a different result set if any varlength_col value is NULL.)