NOT FOUND Keywords
If you use the NOT FOUND keywords, exception handling
for SELECT and FETCH statements (including implicit SELECT and FETCH
statements in FOREACH and UNLOAD statements) is treated differently
from other SQL statements.
The NOT FOUND keyword checks for the following cases:
- The End of Data condition: a FETCH statement that attempts to get a row beyond the first or last row in the active set
- The Not Found condition: a SELECT statement that returns no rows
In each case, the sqlcode variable is set to 100, and the SQLSTATE variable has a class code of 02. For the name of the sqlcode variable in each HCL Informix® product, see the table in SQLERROR Keyword.
The following statement calls the no_rows( ) function
each time the NOT FOUND condition exists:
If you do not use any WHENEVER NOT FOUND statements in a program, the default action for WHENEVER NOT FOUND is CONTINUE.