Executing the SYSTEM statement on Windows
On Windows systems, any SYSTEM statements in an SPL routine are executed only if the current user who is executing the SPL routine has logged on with a password.
The database server must have the password and login name of the user in order to execute a command on behalf of that user.
The first SYSTEM statement in the following example of an SPL routine
causes Windows to send an
error message to a temporary file and to put the message in a system
log that is sorted alphabetically. The second SYSTEM statement causes
the operating system to delete the temporary file:
SYSTEM 'type errormess101 > %tmp%tmpfile.txt |
sort >> %SystemRoot%systemlog.txt';
SYSTEM 'del %tmp%tmpfile.txt';
END PROCEDURE; --test_proc
The expressions that follow the SYSTEM statements in this example contain variables %tmp% and %SystemRoot% that are defined by Windows.