ROOT Function
The ROOT function extracts a positive real root value, returned as a FLOAT data type, from its first numeric expression argument, the radicand.
If you specify a second numeric argument as the index, which cannot be zero, then the returned value to the power index is equal (within rounding error) to the radicand argument. If only the radicand argument is supplied, 2 is the default index value. You cannot specify zero as the value of index.
The first SELECT statement in the following example, which
uses the default index value of 2, returns the positive square
root of the literal number 9. The second example returns the cube
root of the literal number 64.
SELECT ROOT(9) FROM angles; -- square root of 9
SELECT ROOT(64,3) FROM angles; -- cube root of 64
Invoking ROOT with only a single argument is equivalent to invoking the SQRT function.