Arguments to the COUNT Functions
The COUNT function accepts as its argument the same expressions that are allowed in the argument list of other built-in aggregate functions, as well as the asterisk (*) notation that only COUNT supports. The following categories of built-in expressions are supported as the argument to COUNT, as illustrated in the following examples:
- Arithmetic Expressions
COUNT(times(informix.sysfragments.evalpos,2)) SELECT COUNT(a+1), COUNT(2*a), COUNT(5/a), COUNT(times(a, 2)) FROM myTable;
- Bitwise Logical Functions
COUNT(BITAND(informix.systables.flags,1)) SELECT COUNT(BITAND(a,1)), COUNT(BITOR(8, 20)), COUNT(BITXOR(41, 33)), COUNT(BITANDNOT(20,-20)), COUNT(BITNOT(8)) FROM myTable;
- Cast Expressions
- Conditional Expressions
COUNT(CASE WHEN stock.description = "baseball gloves" THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN s=14 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS cnt14 FROM all_types; SELECT COUNT(NVL (ch, 'Addr unk')) FROM all_types; SELECT COUNT(NULLIF(ch, NULL)) FROM all_types;
- Constant Expressions
COUNT(CURRENT_ROLE) COUNT(DATETIME (2007-12-6) YEAR TO DAY) SELECT COUNT("XX"), COUNT(99),COUNT("t") FROM sysmaster:sysdual; SELECT COUNT(SET{6, 9, 9, 4}) FROM sysmaster:sysdual; SELECT COUNT("ROW(7, 3, 6.0, 2.0)") FROM sysmaster:sysdual; SELECT COUNT(USER), COUNT(CURRENT), COUNT(SYSDATE) from sysmaster:sysdual; SELECT COUNT(CURRENT_ROLE), COUNT(DEFAULT_ROLE) from sysmaster:sysdual; SELECT COUNT(DBSERVERNAME), COUNT(TODAY), COUNT(CURRENT) from sysmaster:sysdual; SELECT COUNT(DATETIME (2007-12-6) YEAR TO DAY) from sysmaster:sysdual; SELECT COUNT(INTERVAL (16) DAY TO DAY) FROM sysmaster:sysdual; SELECT COUNT(5 UNITS DAY) FROM sysmaster:sysdual;
- Function Expressions
COUNT(LENGTH ('abc') + LENGTH (stock.description} COUNT(DBINFO('sessionid')) COUNT(user_proc()) --> Here proc() is a user-defined routine.
- Column Expressions
COUNT Function | Description |
COUNT (*) | Returns the number of rows that satisfy the query. If you do not specify a WHERE clause, this function returns the total number of rows in the table. |
COUNT (DISTINCT) or COUNT (UNIQUE) | Returns the number of unique non-NULL values in the specified column |
COUNT (column) or COUNT (ALL column) | Returns the total number of non-NULL values in the specified column |
Some examples can help to show the differences among the various forms of the COUNT function that reference a column. Most of the following examples query against the ship_instruct column of the orders table in the stores_demo demonstration database. For information on the schema of the orders table and the data values in the ship_instruct column, see the description of the demonstration database in the HCL Informix® Guide to SQL: Reference.