Using the DEFAULT Clause
Use the DEFAULT keyword followed by an expression to specify a default value for a parameter. If you provide a default value for a parameter, and the UDR is called with fewer arguments than were defined for that UDR, the default value is used. If you do not provide a default value for a parameter, and the UDR is called with fewer arguments than were defined for that UDR, the calling application receives an error.
The following example shows a CREATE FUNCTION statement that specifies
a default value for a parameter. This function finds the square of
the i parameter. If the function is called without specifying
the argument for the i parameter, the database server uses
the default value 0 for the i parameter.
CREATE FUNCTION square_w_default
(i INT DEFAULT 0) {Specifies default value of i}
RETURNING INT; {Specifies return of INT value}
DEFINE j INT; {Defines routine variable j}
LET j = i * i; {Finds square of i and assigns it to j}
RETURN j; {Returns value of j to calling module}
Warning: When you specify a date value
as the default value for a parameter, make sure to specify 4 digits
instead of 2 digits for the year. When you specify a 2-digit year,
the DBCENTURY environment variable setting can affect how the
database server interprets the date value, so the UDR might not use
the default value that you intended. For more information, see the HCL
Informix® Guide to SQL: Reference.