Restrictions on Source and Target Tables
Which table objects can be the source or target of the MERGE statement depends on attributes of the table object, and on what access privileges are held by the user who issues the MERGE statement.
The target table must be local to the database to which the current session is connected, but you can specify a remote a table as the source table, or in subqueries of the SET clause for UPDATE operations, and in subqueries of the VALUES clause for INSERT operations.
Sections that follow identify additional restrictions on the source and target tables.
Restrictions on the Source Table
The source object can be the name or synonym of a STANDARD, RAW, TEMP, EXTERNAL, or collection-derived table, or a view. It can be in the same database as the target object, or in a different database of the local Informix® instance, or it can be a remote table that is managed by a different Informix instance.
If the source is a collection-derived table that is defined by the result of a query, the USING clause can declare names for derived columns that the SET and VALUES clauses of the MERGE statement can reference.
The user who issues the MERGE statement must hold the Connect access privilege (or a higher privilege) on the database of the source object, and must also hold the Select privilege (or a higher privilege) on the source object. The user can be granted these access privileges individually, or can hold them as a member of the PUBLIC group, or through the current or default role of the user, if the role or PUBLIC holds those privileges.
If the source object or any of its columns is protected by a label-based security policy, the user who issues the MERGE statement must have a security label (or must hold a security policy exemption) that provides sufficient credentials to read the source object. If the credentials of the user are insufficient to read protected columns, according to the standard label-based access control (LBAC) rules, then the MERGE statement can process only a subset of the source data. If this subset is empty, the MERGE statement cannot insert any values from the source object into the target table.
- The source cannot be a view on which an enabled SELECT trigger is defined.
- The source cannot be a typed table in the same table hierarchy as the target table.
- In a Delete merge, the source cannot have a child-table relationship with the target, as defined by an enabled referential constraint, if that constraint was defined with the ON DELETE CASCADE keywords. (Child-table relationships have no effect on the Delete merge, however, unless a target table constraint specifies cascading deletes.)
Restrictions on the Target Table
The target table object must be in a database of the same Informix instance to which the current session is connected. It can be the name or synonym of a STANDARD, RAW, or TEMP table, or an updatable view. If the target is a supertable within a table hierarchy, the Delete clause also deletes the corresponding rows in all the subtables of the target table.
The user who issues the MERGE statement must hold the Connect access privilege (or a higher privilege) on the database of the target object, and must also hold the Insert privilege and the Update or Delete privilege on the target object, if the MERGE statement includes the corresponding Insert, Update, or Delete clause.
- The target cannot be a typed table in the same table hierarchy as the source table.
- The target cannot be a Virtual Table Interface (VTI) table.
- The target cannot be an object that the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement defined.
- The target cannot be in a database of a remote Informix instance.
- The target cannot be a system catalog table.
- The target cannot be a view on which an enabled INSTEAD OF trigger is defined.
- The target cannot be a read-only view.
- The target cannot be a pseudo-table (a memory-resident object in a system database, such as the sysmaster or sysadmin databases).
- The target cannot be a data source of any subquery of the same MERGE statement, including subqueries in the ON clause, in the SET clause, or in the VALUES clause.
- If the MERGE statement includes the DELETE clause, the target cannot have a parent-table relationship with the source table, if this relationship is defined by an enabled referential constraint that specifies the ON DELETE CASCADE keywords.
Restriction on the combined row length
(f1 INT,
f2 VARCHAR(10),
lv1 LVARCHAR(5000),
lv2 LVARCHAR(4000),
lv3 LVARCHAR(8000));
(f1 INT,
f2 VARCHAR(10),
lv1 LVARCHAR(5000),
lv2 LVARCHAR(4000),
lv3 LVARCHAR(8000));
INSERT INTO t1 (f1,f2) VALUES (1,'t1 1');
INSERT INTO t1 (f1,f2) VALUES (2,'t1 2');
INSERT INTO t1 (f1,f2) VALUES (3,'t1 3');
INSERT INTO t1 (f1,f2,lv1) VALUES (7,'t1 7',
INSERT INTO t2 (f1,f2) VALUES (3,'t2 3');
INSERT INTO t2 (f1,f2) VALUES (4,'t2 4');
INSERT INTO t2 (f1,f2) VALUES (5,'t2 5');
INSERT INTO t2 (f1,f2) VALUES (6,'t2 6');
MERGE INTO t2 AS o USING t1 AS n ON o.f1 = n.f1
VALUES ( n.f1,n.f2);
The MERGE statement above fails,
because the sum of the row lengths of the source and target tables
exceeds the upper limit of 32,767 bytes.INSERT INTO t2(f1, f2)
SELECT t1.f1, t1.f2 FROM t1
(SELECT f1, f2 FROM t2
WHERE t2.f1 = t1.f1);
INSERT INTO t2(f1,f2)
SELECT t1.f1, t1.f2 FROM t1
LEFT JOIN t2 ON t1.f1 = t2.f1
After the two INSERT INTO
. . . SELECT operations, table t2 contains what the row size
restriction prevented the previous MERGE example from returning.Restrictions on distributed MERGE statements
- Both databases must be of release versions that support all the data types in the source table and in the target table.
- If one database is ANSI-compliant, the other must also be ANSI-compliant.
- If one database is not ANSI-compliant but uses explicit transaction logging, the other must also support explicit transaction logging. (In this case, their buffered or unbuffered logging modes need not match.)
- If one database does not support transaction logging, the other also must not.
- Both databases must have the same NLSCASE sensitivity setting.
Distributed MERGE transactions cannot access the database of another Informix instance unless both servers define TCP/IP or IPCSTR connections in their DBSERVERNAME or DBSERVERALIASES configuration parameters and in the sqlhosts file or SQLHOSTS registry subkey. The requirement, that both participating servers support the same type of connection (either TCP/IP or else IPCSTR), applies to any communication between Informix instances, even if both reside on the same computer.
Data types valid in distributed MERGE statements
When the source table and the target tables are in the same database, MERGE statements can access all the data-type categories that the Data Type topics describe, including BYTE and TEXT objects, OPAQUE and DISTINCT types, complex types, and user-defined types (UDTs).
- Built-in data types that are not opaque or complex
- DISTINCT of built-in types that are not opaque
- DISTINCT of the DISTINCT types in this list.
Cross-server operations can also return the IDSSECURITYLABEL data type from a table protected by row-level LBAC security, if the user issuing the MERGE statement holds sufficient LBAC credentials. Accessing a table protected only by column-level LBAC security requires similar credentials, but in that case the table has no IDSSECURITYLABEL column.
Cross-server DML operations cannot reference a column or expression of a complex, large-object, nor user-defined data type (UDT), nor of an unsupported DISTINCT or built-in opaque type. For additional information about the data types that Informix supports in cross-server DML operations, see Data Types in Cross-Server Transactions.
- Most of the built-in opaque data types, as listed in Data Types in Cross-Database Transactions
- DISTINCT of the built-in types that are referenced in the line above
- DISTINCT of any of the data types that are listed in either of the two lines above
- Opaque UDTs that can be cast explicitly to built-in data types.
- IMPEXP, IMPEXPBIN, LOLIST, or SENDRECV built-in opaque type
- DISTINCT of any of those opaque data types
- Any complex type, including COLLECTION, LIST, MULTISET, or SET, and named or unnamed ROW types.