OLAP aggregation function expressions
OLAP aggregation function expressions can return aggregate information about rows in the partitioned results of a query.
OLAP aggregation function expressions are OLAP window expressions that you can include in the Projection list of a SELECT statement, or the ORDER BY clause of a SELECT statement.
OLAP Aggregation function expressions |--| Aggregation functions |--| OVER clause for Aggregation functions |--| OLAP Aggregation functions (1) |--+-| FIRST_VALUE function |----------------+------------------| | (2) | +-| LAST_VALUE function |-----------------+ | (3) | +-| RATIO_TO_REPORT function |------------+ | (4) | '-| OLAP Window Aggregate functions |-----' OVER clause for Aggregation functions (5) |--OVER------(--+---------------------------------+-------------> | (5) | '-| Window PARTITION clause |-----' >--+--------------------------------------------------------------+--)--| | (5) | '-| Window ORDER clause |------+-----------------------------+-' | (5) | '-| Window Frame clause |-----'
You can apply the OLAP aggregation functions to subsets of the rows in an OLAP window partition by specifying a window frame.