Natural join
A natural join is a type of equi-join and
is structured so that the join column does not display data redundantly,
as the following query shows.
Figure 1. Query
SELECT manu_name, lead_time, stock.*
FROM manufact, stock
WHERE manufact.manu_code = stock.manu_code;
Like the example for equi-join, the query joins the manufact and stock tables
on the manu_code column. Because the Projection list is more
closely defined, the manu_code is listed only once for each
row retrieved, as the result shows.
Figure 2. Query result
manu_name Smith
lead_time 3
stock_num 1
manu_code SMT
description baseball gloves
unit_price $450.00
unit case
unit_descr 10 gloves/case
manu_name Smith
lead_time 3
stock_num 5
manu_code SMT
description tennis racquet
unit_price $25.00
unit each
unit_descr each
manu_name Smith
lead_time 3
stock_num 6
manu_code SMT
description tennis ball
unit_price $36.00
unit case
unit_descr 24 cans/case
manu_name Anza
lead_time 5
stock_num 5
manu_code ANZ
description tennis racquet
unit_price $19.80
unit each
unit_descr each
All joins are associative; that is, the order of the joining terms in the WHERE clause does not affect the meaning of the join.
Both statements in the following query create the
same natural join.
Figure 3. Query
SELECT catalog.*, description, unit_price, unit, unit_descr
FROM catalog, stock
WHERE catalog.stock_num = stock.stock_num
AND catalog.manu_code = stock.manu_code
AND catalog_num = 10017;
SELECT catalog.*, description, unit_price, unit, unit_descr
FROM catalog, stock
WHERE catalog_num = 10017
AND catalog.manu_code = stock.manu_code
AND catalog.stock_num = stock.stock_num;
Each statement retrieves the following row.
Figure 4. Query result
catalog_num 10017
stock_num 101
manu_code PRC
Reinforced, hand-finished tubular. Polyurethane belted.
Effective against punctures. Mixed tread for super wear
and road grip.
cat_picture <BYTE value>
cat_advert Ultimate in Puncture Protection, Tires
Designed for In-City Riding
description bicycle tires
unit_price $88.00
unit box
unit_descr 4/box
Figure 3 includes a TEXT column, cat_descr; a BYTE column, cat_picture; and a VARCHAR column, cat_advert.