Active set and concurrency

When only one program is using a database, the members of the active set cannot change. This situation describes most personal computers, and it is the easiest situation to think about. But some programs must be designed for use in a multiprogramming system, where two, three, or dozens of different programs can work on the same tables simultaneously.

When other programs can update the tables while your cursor is open, the idea of the active set becomes less useful. Your program can see only one row of data at a time, but all other rows in the table can be changing.

In the case of a simple query, when the database server holds only one row of the active set, any other row can change. The instant after your program fetches a row, another program can delete the same row, or update it so that if it is examined again, it is no longer part of the active set.

When the active set, or part of it, is saved in a temporary table, stale data can present a problem. That is, the rows in the actual tables from which the active-set rows are derived can change. If they do, some of the active-set rows no longer reflect the current table contents.

These ideas seem unsettling at first, but as long as your program only reads the data, stale data does not exist, or rather, all data is equally stale. The active set is a snapshot of the data as it is at one moment. A row is different the next day; it does not matter if it is also different in the next millisecond. To put it another way, no practical difference exists between changes that occur while the program is running and changes that are saved and applied the instant that the program terminates.

The only time that stale data can cause a problem is when the program intends to use the input data to modify the same database; for example, when a banking application must read an account balance, change it, and write it back. Modify data through SQL programs discusses programs that modify data.

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