Update cursors
An update cursor is a special kind of cursor that applications can use when the row might potentially be updated. To use an update cursor, execute SELECT FOR UPDATE in your application. Update cursors use promotable locks; that is, the database server places an update lock (meaning other users can still view the row) when the application fetches the row, but the lock is changed to an exclusive lock when the application updates the row using an update cursor and UPDATE...WHERE CURRENT OF.
The advantage of using an update cursor is that you can view the
row with the confidence that other users cannot change it or view
it with an update cursor while you are viewing it and before you update
Tip: In an ANSI-compliant database, update cursors
are unnecessary because any select cursor behaves the same as an update
The pseudocode in the following figure shows when the database
server places and releases locks with a cursor.
Figure 1. Locks Placed for Update