Subtrack table

The subtrack table contains the spatiotemporal data for the associated time series column.

You specify the name of the subtrack table when you run the STS_SubtrackCreate function.

The following table lists the columns in the subtrack table.

Table 1. Subtrack table
Column name Data type Description
instance_id BIGINT The time series instance ID.
begin_time DATETIME YEAR TO FRACTION(5) The start time of the entry.
end_time DATETIME YEAR TO FRACTION(5) The end time of the entry.
state SMALLINT The type of entry:
  • 0 = Moving. The geometry column contains a trajectory.
  • 1 = Stationary. The geometry column contains a location.
  • 2 = No signal. The object had no signal for the time period between the start time and the end time, and the object is in the same location.
  • 3 = Interrupted signal. The object had no signal for the time period between the start time and the end time, and the object is in a different location.
geometry ST_Geometry Depends on the value of the state column:
  • 0 = An ST_LineString or ST_MultiLineString that represents the trajectory of the object.
  • 1 = An ST_Point that represents the location of the object.
  • 2 or 3 = NULL

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