TSInstanceTable table

The TSInstanceTable table contains one row for each large time series, no matter how many times it is referenced.

Time series smaller than the threshold you specify when you create them are stored directly in a column and do not appear in the TSInstanceTable table.

Table 1. The columns in the TSInstanceTable table
Column name Data type Description
id BIGSERIAL The serial number of the time series and the primary key for this table. You can use the InstanceId function to return this number.

The instance ID is a required argument in some time series routines.

The instance ID is also used to order results if an SQL query includes an ORDER BY clause on a TimeSeries column.

cal_id INTEGER The identification of the CalendarTable row for the time series.
flags SMALLINT Stores various flags for the time series.
  • 0x01 = TSFLAGS_IRR. The time series is irregular.
  • 0x10 = TSFLAGS_PACKED. The time series contains packed elements.
  • 0x20 = TSFLAGS_COMPRESSED. The time series is compressed.
  • 0x40 = TSFLAGS_HERTZ. The time series contains hertz data.
vers SMALLINT The version of the time series.
container_name VARCHAR(128,1) The name of the container of the time series. This is a reference to the primary key of the TSContainerTable table.
ref_count INTEGER The number of different references to the same time series instance.

The TSInstanceTable table is managed by the database server. Do not modify it directly. Rows in this table are automatically inserted or deleted when large time series are created or destroyed.

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