Create the database table

After you create the TimeSeries subtype, use the CREATE TABLE statement to create a table with a column of that subtype.

You have the following options and restrictions when you create a table with at TimeSeries column:

  • You can create the table in a dbspace that uses non-default page size.
  • You cannot use delimited identifiers for table or column names.
  • If you plan to replicate time series data with Enterprise Replication, the primary key column must not be an opaque data type.
  • If you plan to write a loader program, the name of the table and the name of the TimeSeries column must not contain uppercase letters.
  • You can fragment the table. When you fragment the table and enable PDQ, certain queries can run faster:
    • TimeSeries routines that select time series data can run in parallel. The table can be fragmented by any method.
    • Queries on a fragmented virtual table that is based on the table can run in parallel. The table must be fragmented by expression.
  • You can include other options of the CREATE TABLE statement.
The basic syntax for creating a table with a TimeSeries subtype column is:
CREATE TABLE table_name(
   col1      any_data_type,
   col2      any_data_type,
   coln      TimeSeries(subtype_name)
List the data type of the TimeSeries column as TimeSeries(subtype_name), where subtype_name is the name of the subtype that you created.


The following example creates a table that is called daily_stocks that contains a time series column of type TimeSeries(stock_bar):
create table daily_stocks (
   stock_id    int,
   stock_name  lvarchar,
   stock_data  TimeSeries(stock_bar)

Each row in the daily_stocks table can hold a stock_bar time series for a particular stock.

The following example creates a table that is called activity_stocks that contains a time series column of type TimeSeries(stock_trade):
create table activity_stocks(
   stock_id      int,
   activity_data TimeSeries(stock_trade)

Each row in the activity_stocks table can hold a stock trade time series for a particular stock.

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