Data file formats for BulkLoad
Two data formats are supported for the file loaded by BulkLoad:
- Using type constructors
- Using tabs
Each line of the client file must have all the data for one element.
The type constructor format follows the row type
convention: comma-separated columns surrounded by parentheses and
preceded by the ROW type constructor. The first two lines of a typical
file look like this:
row(2011-01-03 00:00:00.00000, 1.1, 2.2)
row(2011-01-04 00:00:00.00000, 10.1, 20.2)
If you
include collections in a column within the row data type, use a type
constructor (SET, MULTISET, or LIST) and curly braces surrounding
the collection values. A row including a set of rows has this format:
row(timestamp, set{row(value, value), row(value, value)}, value)
tab format separates the values by tabs. It is only recommended for
single-level rows that do not contain collections or row data types.
The first two lines of a typical file in this format look like this:
2011-01-03 00:00:00.00000 1.1 2.2
2011-01-04 00:00:00.00000 10.1 20.2
The spaces between entries represent a tab.
In both formats, NULL indicates a null entry.
The first file format is also produced when you use the onload utility. This utility copies the contents of a table into a client file or a client file into a table. When copying a file into a table, the time series is created and then the data is written into the new time series. See the HCL Informix® Performance Guide for more information about onload.