DelElem function
The DelElem function deletes the element at the specified timepoint in the specified time series instance.
DelElem(ts TimeSeries,
tstamp datetime year to fraction(5),
flags integer default 0)
returns TimeSeries;
- ts
- The time series to act on.
- tstamp
- The time stamp of the element to be deleted.
- flags
- Valid values for the flags parameter are described in The flags argument values. The default is 0.
If there is no element at the specified timepoint, no elements are deleted and no error is raised.
The API equivalent of DelElem is ts_del_elem().
Hidden time stamps cannot be deleted.
A time series with one element deleted.
The following example deletes an
element from a time series instance:
update activity_stocks
set activity_data = DelElem(activity_data,
'2011-01-05 12:58:09.23456'
::datetime year to fraction(5))
where stock_id = 600;