GetClosestElem function
The GetClosestElem function returns the first element that is non-null and closest to the given time stamp. Optionally, you can specify which column within the time series element must be non-null to satisfy the search.
GetClosestElem(ts TimeSeries,
tstamp datetime year to fraction(5),
cmp lvarchar,
column_list lvarchar default NULL,
flags integer default 0)
returns ROW
- ts
- The time series to act on.
- tstamp
- The time stamp to start searching from.
- cmp
- A comparison operator used with tstamp to determine where to start the search. Valid values for cmp are <, <=, =, ==, >=, and >.
- column_list
- To search for an element with one or more columns non-null, specify
a list of column names separated by a vertical bar (|). An error
is raised if any of the column names does not exist in the time series
To search for a null element, set column_list to NULL.
- flags
- Determines whether hidden elements should be returned. Valid for
the flags parameter values are defined in tseries.h.
They are:
- TS_CLOSEST_NO_FLAGS (no special flags)
- TS_CLOSEST_RETNULLS_FLAGS (return hidden elements)
The search algorithm ts_closest_elem is
as follows:
- If cmp is any of : <=, =, ==, or >=, the search starts at tstamp.
- If cmp is <, the search starts at the first element before tstamp.
- If cmp is >, the search starts at the first element after tstamp.
The tstamp and cmp parameters are used to
determine where to start the search. The search continues in the direction
indicated by cmp until an element is found that qualifies.
If no element qualifies, the return value is NULL.
Important: For irregular time series, values in an irregular
element persist until the next element. This means that any of the
“equals” operations on an irregular time series look for <= first.
If cmp is >= and the <= operation fails, the operation
then looks forward for the next element; otherwise, NULL is
An element meeting the described criteria that is non-null and closest to the given time stamp.