GetNextNonNull function
The GetNextNonNull function returns the next non-null element on or after the date you specify.
GetNextNonNull(ts TimeSeries,
tstamp datetime year to fraction(5),
column_name lvarchar default null
flags integer default 0
returns row;
- ts
- The source time series.
- tstamp
- The time stamp for the element.
- column_name (optional)
- If you specify a column using the column_name argument,
the GetNextNonNull function returns the next non-null
element on or after the specified date that has a non-null value in
the specified column.
If you do not specify the column_name argument, the GetLastNonNull function returns the next non-null element on or after the date specified by tstamp. It is possible that all the columns except the time stamp could be NULL.
- flags
- Valid values for the flags parameter are described in The flags argument values. The default is 0.
There are no null elements in an irregular time series. Therefore, when you use the GetNextNonNull function on an irregular time series, always specify a column name. If you use the GetNextNonNull function on an irregular time series without specifying a column name, the function's effect is equivalent to that of the GetNextValid function.
A non-null element of the time series.