Database-level privileges needed for creating a routine

Database-level privileges control the ability to extend the database by registering or dropping a UDR. The following users qualify to register a new routine in the database:
  • Any user with the DBA privilege can register a routine with or without the DBA keyword in the CREATE FUNCTION or CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
  • A non-DBA user needs the Resource privilege to register a routine.

    The creator has owner privileges on the routine. A user who does not have the DBA privilege cannot use the DBA keyword in the CREATE FUNCTION or CREATE PROCEDURE statement to register the routine.

For an explanation of the DBA keyword, see Run a UDR as DBA.

A DBA must grant the Resource privilege required for any non-DBA user to create a routine. The DBA can revoke the Resource privilege, which prevents that user from creating additional routines.

A DBA or the routine owner can cancel the registration with the DROP ROUTINE, DROP FUNCTION, or DROP PROCEDURE statement. A DBA or routine owner can register a modification to the routine with the ALTER ROUTINE, ALTER FUNCTION, or ALTER PROCEDURE statement.

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