Access an opaque data type

After you create the opaque data type, the following client programs can use it once they connect to the database in which it is registered:
  • Informix® ESQL/C application that uses SQL statements and an lvarchar, fixed binary, or var binary host variable

    For more information, see the chapter on opaque types in the HCL Informix Enterprise Replication Guide.

  • A C routine that uses the DataBlade API

    For more information, see the HCL Informix DataBlade API Programmer's Guide.

  • An SPL UDR

    For more information, see the topics on SPL in the HCL Informix Guide to SQL: Tutorial.

  • A client application written in the Java™ language

    To write Java routines, you must have J/Foundation. You also need a Java development kit to compile your Java routines. For information about how to write Java UDRs, refer to the HCL J/Foundation Developer's Guide.

You can use an opaque data type in any way that you use other data types of the database.

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