The ALTER FRAGMENT statement interface
When the database server executes an ALTER FRAGMENT statement, the database server moves data between existing fragments and also creates a new fragment.
The statement in the following figure creates and fragments
a jobsrt index.
Figure 1. SQL to create the fragmented jobsrt
CREATE TABLEINDEX jobsrt on jobs (sstatus file_ops)
sstatus > 15 IN fragspace2,
REMAINDER IN fragspace1
USING file_am
The statement in the following figure changes the fragment
expression for jobsrt,, which redistributes the index entries.
Figure 2. SQL to
alter the jobsrt, fragments
MODIFY fragspace1 TO (sstatus <= 5) IN
MODIFY fragspace2 TO
(sstatus > 5 AND sstatus <= 10) IN
REMAINDER IN fragspace3
For each fragment that the ALTER FRAGMENT statement specifies,
the database server performs the following actions:
- Executes an access-method scan
- Evaluates the returned rows to determine which ones must move to a different fragment
- Executes the access method to create a new fragment for the target fragment that does not yet exist
- Executes the access method to delete rows from one fragment and insert them in another
Figure 3 through Figure 6 show the separate sequences of purpose functions that create the fragments and distribute the data for the SQL ALTER FRAGMENT statement in Figure 2. The database server performs steps 1, 2, and 3 to move fragments from fragspace1 to fragspace2 and then performs steps 1 through 3 to move fragments from fragspace2 to fragspace3.
The following figure shows the sequential scan in step 1, which returns all
rows from the fragment because the scan descriptor contains a NULL-valued
pointer instead of a pointer to a qualification descriptor.
Figure 3. Getting all the rows
entries in fragment 1
In the following figure, the database server returns the
row identifiers that the access method should delete from fragspace1 and
insert in fragspace2.
Figure 4. Moving rows between fragments
The following figure again shows the sequential scan in
step 1. This scan
returns all the rows from fragment2.
Figure 5. Getting all the rows entries in fragment
The following figure shows steps 3 and 4. The database server
returns the row identifiers that the access method should delete from fragspace2 and
insert in fragspace3. The database server does not have fragspace3,
so it executes am_create to have the access method
create a fragment before it executes am_insert.
Figure 6. Adding and filling
a fragment