Data Source Explorer window

The Data Source Explorer window shows your database connection profiles and various objects like schemas, tables, and stored procedures that are defined in the database catalogs of your data servers.

If has been installed and an accelerator has been configured, the Data Source Explorer window also shows the accelerator and the deployed data marts.


Depending on your selection in the Data Source Explorer, the menu (right-click action) offers the following menu choices specific to accelerator:
Database Connections
When you right-click the Database Connections node, you can select New from the menu to start the New Connection wizard. This wizard allows you to specify the details for a database connection profile. Such a profile enables you to access a database from which to read table and schema information. This information is required for the creation of data marts.
An existing database connection profile
When you right-click an existing database connection profile, you can select the following from the menu:
Connects to the database that is referred to in the profile. You are asked for the password of the logon user if the option Save password is not selected in the profile.
Disconnects an active database connection.
Issues a ping command to check whether the network connection to the database server works.
Opens the Properties sheet of the existing profile so that you can edit it.
When the accelerator has been installed, configured, and deployed, the Data Source Explorer window displays an Accelerators node. All accelerators are listed under this node.

When you right-click the accelerators node, you can select New Accelerator from the menu. This menu choice enables you to associate an accelerator with a data server. In the window that opens, you specify a 4-digit code, an IP-address, and a port number. The system, in return, generates an authentication token that mutually authenticates the data server and the accelerator. If you choose to create a virtual accelerator, you only have to provide a name for the accelerator.

An existing accelerator
When you right-click the node of an existing accelerator, you can select between the following choices on the menu:
Activates the selected accelerator
Deactivates the selected accelerator
Deploy Data Mart
Opens the Deploy Data Mart window, in which you can specify the data mart to be deployed and select the accelerator to deploy the data mart to. To specify the data mart, you can select a data mart from an accelerator project or an xml file containing a data mart definition.
Deploy Software Version
Transfers updated accelerator software from Informix® to the accelerator and installs it.
Manage Software Version
Opens a window in which you can activate one of the software versions that are installed on the accelerator.
Configure Trace
Opens the Configure Trace window, in which you can select trace profiles for accelerators and stored procedures.
Save Trace
The Save Trace function saves the collected trace information. In the Save Trace window, which opens before the action is completed, you can specify or change the settings for this action. The Save Trace window provides a Clear Trace option. When selected, all previously collected trace information is deleted before the newly gathered information is saved. This prevents the trace-file size from growing too big.
Change Authentication Token
Renews the authentication token that is used to authenticate the database server and the accelerator, and updates the connection information (number of coordinator nodes and their IP addresses) in the database server catalog. For example, if you have added processing nodes to the accelerator, this function corrects the number of registered coordinator nodes on the database server.
Removes the currently selected accelerator from the subsystem (configuration) of your database management system.
Retrieves the most recent status information and updates the list of data marts that are deployed on the selected accelerator.
An existing data mart
When you right-click an existing data mart in the Data Source Explorer window, you can select from the following menu choices:
To enable query acceleration for the selected data mart.
To disable query acceleration for the selected data mart.
To display the diagram of the selected data mart on the canvas. When you select this menu choice, the data mart is copied to your Eclipse workspace. The diagram shows the tables and references of this local copy.
To remove the selected data mart from the accelerator machine.
To immediately load the selected data mart. A load operation populates an empty data mart with data or replaces the existing data in the data mart.
Note: During an immediate load, you cannot close Informix Smart Analytics Optimizer Studio because this is a synchronous task, meaning that the network connection must stay intact until the process has finished.
Retrieves the latest status information about the selected data mart from the accelerator.

Properties view

Depending on the object that is selected in the Data Source Explorer window, the information and controls in the Properties view change:
When the Accelerators node is selected, the currently configured accelerators are listed on the General page of the Properties view. You select an accelerator in this list to activate the buttons for this particular accelerator. You can also click the Add button to deploy a new accelerator that is not yet listed in the Data Source Explorer window.
An accelerator
Selecting an accelerator that is listed under Accelerators results in the following pages being displayed in the Properties view:
This page contains general information about the accelerator, the processing nodes, the request status, and provides buttons to do the following:
  • Start the accelerator
  • Stop the accelerator
  • Configure tracing for the accelerator
  • Save trace information from this accelerator
  • Change the authentication token
Data Marts
This page lists the data marts that are assigned to the selected accelerator. Selecting a data mart in the list activates the buttons for this particular data mart; the buttons allow you to:
  • Open the data mart (display the diagram on the canvas, where you can edit it)
  • Enable the data mart for query acceleration
  • Disable query acceleration for the data mart
  • Deploy a new data mart
  • Drop the data mart (delete the data mart from the accelerator).
  • Load or schedule load operations for the data mart
This page lists the software versions that are installed on the accelerator in a table. It also provides buttons that enable you to deploy new software versions to an accelerator (that is, copy the relevant files from your data server to an accelerator), display details or activate the version that is selected in the table.
A data mart
Selecting a data mart that is listed under an accelerator results in the following pages being displayed in the Properties view:
This page contains general information about the data mart and provides buttons to do the following:
  • Open the data mart (display the diagram on the canvas, where you can edit it)
  • Enable the data mart for query acceleration
  • Disable query acceleration for the data mart
Catalog Objects
Provides a button that allows you to view the SQL code of the accelerator catalog objects associated with the data mart. The catalog objects are stored on the database server.

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