Menu bar
The menu bar includes some standard menu choices in the Data perspective. Some of those menu choices might have a different effect when an Eclipse-based product, such as Informix® Smart Analytics Optimizer Studio, is loaded. Additional menu choices, that are specific to the Eclipse-based product, can also appear on the menu bar.
The menus for Informix Smart Analytics Optimizer Studio are:
- Starts a wizard to create an accelerator project in your Eclipse workspace.
- Starts a wizard to create a data mart in the selected accelerator project.
- Selects all elements in the currently active view. This menu choice is available when the focus is on the canvas.
- Checks the correctness and the structural integrity of the data mart on the canvas. This menu choice is available when the focus is on the canvas or on the palette.
- Opens a submenu that allows you to select:
- All
- All objects in the data mart diagram on the canvas
- All Shapes
- All tables in the data mart diagram on the canvas
- All Connections
- All references in the data mart diagram on the canvas
- Opens a submenu that allows you to organize the objects in the
data mart diagram on the canvas so that the canvas space is used efficiently
and objects do not overlap. The submenu offers the following choices:
- All
- To arrange all the objects in the diagram in the described manner
- Selection
- To arrange just the selected objects in the described manner
- Opens a submenu that allows you to align selected tables on the
canvas with the position of the table that was selected last. The
submenu offers the following choices:
- Align Left
- To make the left borders of all selected tables align vertically.
- Align Center
- To make the centers of all selected tables align vertically.
- Align Right
- To make the right borders of all selected tables align vertically.
- Align Top
- To make the top borders of all selected tables align horizontally.
- Align Middle
- To make the centers of all selected tables align horizontally.
- Align Bottom
- To make the bottom lines of all selected tables align horizontally.
- Opens a submenu that allows you change the size of the diagram
(the objects) on the canvas. The submenu offers the following choices:
- Zoom In
- To enlarge the objects currently in the center of the canvas. This means that objects in the center become bigger while objects closer to the edges fade out of view.
- Zoom Out
- To make the objects currently in the center of the canvas smaller. This means that objects in the center become smaller while objects closer to the edges fade into view.
- Zoom to 100%
- Restores the original or default size of objects on the canvas.
- Zoom to Fit
- Adjusts the size of the diagram on the canvas so that no object is hidden from view.
- Fit to Width
- Makes the leftmost object and the rightmost object align with the left and right edges of the canvas frame so that both become fully visible within that distance.
- Fit to Height
- Makes the topmost object and the lowest object align with the top edge and the bottom line of the canvas frame so that both become fully visible within that distance.
- Fit to Selection
- Adjusts the size of the selected object or group of objects and moves it to the center so that it occupies a maximum of the visible canvas space. All surrounding objects fade out of view.
Tip: You can also select a fix diagram size in percent from a drop-down list on the toolbar. - Data Mart
- From this menu you can select the following choices:
- Set Database
- Associates a database connection with the open data mart.
- Refresh Database Cache
- Uses the database catalog to refresh the list of tables and their size in the cache.
- Validate
- To validate the data mart that is currently loaded in Informix Smart Analytics Optimizer Studio.
- Deploy
- To deploy the data mart that is currently loaded in Informix Smart Analytics Optimizer Studio.
- Opens the Data perspective, which shows Informix Smart Analytics Optimizer Studio (if it has been installed).
- Restores all default views of Informix Smart Analytics Optimizer Studio to their default size and position in the IBM® Data Studio main window.
- Opens a submenu that allows you to reopen a currently closed Informix Smart
Analytics Optimizer Studio view.Note: If you close the canvas, you cannot reopen it from this menu. To do so, you need to double-click the corresponding data mart in the Data Project Explorer window.
- Opens the Description of tasks topic in the online help system.
- Opens the Cheat Sheets view to display the Getting Started guide.