Informix Warehouse Accelerator directory structure
When you install and set up Informix® Warehouse Accelerator, there are several directories that are needed.
Installation directory
Informix Warehouse Accelerator is installed in the directory that is specified by the INFORMIXDIR environment variable, if the variable is set in the environment in which the installer is launched. If the variable is not set, the default installation directory is /opt/IBM/informix. Whenever there is a reference to the file path for the accelerator server installation directory, the file path appears as $IWA_INSTALL_DIR.
Storage directory
The Informix Warehouse Accelerator software resides in its own directory, referred to as the accelerator server storage directory. This directory stores the Informix Warehouse Accelerator catalog, data marts, logs, traces, and so forth. You create this directory when you configure the accelerator server. The file path for this directory is stored in the DWADIR parameter in the dwainst.conf file.
Informix Smart Analytics Optimizer Studio directory
You specify the path to this directory when you install Smart Analytics Optimizer Studio.
Sample directory for Java classes
The Java™ classes that are included with the command line sample are located in the dwa/example/cli directory.
Documentation directory
- The release notes file is in the $IWA_ROOT_DIR/doc directory
- The Quick Start Guide is in the $IWA_ROOT_DIR/quickstart directory
- The release notes file is in the $IWA_INSTALL_DIR/release/en_us/0333/doc directory