dwainst.conf configuration file

The dwainst.conf configuration file contains the parameters that are used to configure the accelerator server.

The dwainst.conf configuration file is added to the $IWA_INSTALL_DIR/dwa/etc directory when you install Informix® Warehouse Accelerator.

Open the dwainst.conf configuration file and edit the parameter values before you run the ondwa setup command.

Important: After initial setup, if you update any of the parameters in the dwainst.conf configuration file, you must run the following ondwa commands again for the updated parameters to take effect:
  • ondwa stop
  • ondwa setup
  • ondwa start

The dwainst.conf file contains the following parameters.

Table 1. Parameters in the dwainst.conf file
Parameter Description Guidance
CLUSTER_INTERFACE For cluster installations: The network device name for the connection between the cluster nodes. Common examples are eth0, eth1, or eth2.
COORDINATOR_SHM The value, in megabytes, of the shared memory on the coordinator node. The total of the shared memory on the coordinator node and worker nodes should not exceed the free memory on the computer where the accelerator server is installed.
Tip: The coordinator node does not need as much shared memory as the worker nodes. A value between 5 to 10 % of the total memory set aside for the accelerator server is a good estimate for this parameter.
CORES_FOR_LOAD_THREADS_PERCENTAGE Used in cluster installations. If only one coordinator node or one worker node will run on each cluster node, set this value to 100.
CORES_FOR_REORG_THREADS_PERCENTAGE Used in cluster installations. If only one coordinator node or one worker node will run on each cluster node, set this value to 25.
CORES_FOR_SCAN_THREADS_PERCENTAGE Used in cluster installations. If only one coordinator node or one worker node will run on each cluster node, set this value to 100.
DRDA_INTERFACE The network device name that you will use for the connection from the Informix database server to the accelerator server.

The default value is lo.

Ask your system administrator and network administrator which network interface to use for the DRDA_INTERFACE value.

If the accelerator server is installed on a separate computer than the Informix database server, you cannot use the local loopback value.

DWADIR The name and file path for accelerator server storage directory. Create the directory first and then specify the directory in the dwainst.conf file.
Note: Specify the directory before you run the ondwa setup command.
NUM_NODES The number of nodes (DWA_CM processes) The number of accelerator server nodes should not overload the computer where the accelerator server is installed.

The number of worker nodes is the value of the NUM_NODES parameter - 1.

START_PORT The starting port number for the coordinator node and the worker nodes. The accelerator server assigns the port numbers that immediately follow the starting port number to the coordinator node and the worker nodes. These port numbers should not already be used by other processes.

Each accelerator server node needs to be configured with four different port numbers. Beginning with the starting port number, the nodes are assigned incremental port numbers. For example, if your accelerator server has five nodes and you specify the START_PORT number as 21020, the accelerator server will use ports 21020 – 21039 because each node uses four port numbers.

WORKER_SHM The value, in megabytes, of the total shared memory, combined, on all the worker nodes. The combined total shared memory on the worker nodes and the coordinator node should not exceed the free memory on the computer where the accelerator server is installed.
Tip: The data marts, with all their data in the compressed format, must fit into the shared memory on the worker nodes. Plan on using approximately two-thirds of the total memory for the accelerator server as worker nodes shared memory.
The following example shows parameters and their values in a dwainst.conf configuration file:

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