ifx_getdwaMetrics() function

The ifx_getdwaMetrics() function returns metrics about an accelerator.


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The name of the accelerator.


The ifx_getdwaMetrics() function returns a set of unnamed rows. Each row corresponds to a metric of the accelerator. The rows have the following columns:
The group that the metric belongs to. The possible values are 'Cluster', 'Coordinator', or 'Worker' .
  • The Cluster group has metrics about hardware clusters.
  • The Coordinator group has metrics about coordinator nodes.
  • The Worker group has metrics about worker nodes.
The name of the metric. For example, 'DWAWNODE'.
The description of the metric. For example, 'Number of active worker nodes'.
The unit of the metric. For example, 'nodes', 'queries', 'cores', 'MB', 'ms', '%', or 'BogoMIPS'.
The value of the metric represented as either a text or numeric value.

To view the complete set of rows that are returned by ifx_getdwaMetrics() function sorted by group and name, but not including the value, use the following statement:

SELECT c.group,c.name,c.desc,c.unit FROM table(ifx_getdwaMetrics('myAccelerator')) 
(c) order by 1,2;

The following table shows the groups and their associated metric names, descriptions, and units.

Table 1. Groups and their associated metric names, descriptions, and units of the ifx_getdwaMetrics function
Group Metric name Description Unit
Cluster DWASTATE Cluster state The unit is one of the following states:
  • Initializing
  • Fully operational
  • Recovery mode
  • Recovering
  • Error
  • Maintenance
  • Maintenance pending
  • Busy
Cluster DWACPCBM Cluster processing capacity BogoMIPS
Cluster DWACPCCP Number of cores within the cluster cores
Cluster DWASTORA Available storage on disk MB
Cluster DWASTORU Used storage on disk MB
Coordinator DWACNODE Number of active coordinator nodes nodes
Coordinator DWACCPU Average CPU utilization on the coordinator nodes %
Coordinator DWACPMUA Physical memory available on the coordinator nodes MB
Coordinator DWACPMUU Physical memory in use on the coordinator nodes MB
Coordinator DWASFREQ Number of successful query requests since the cluster was started queries
Coordinator DWAFFREQ Number of failed queries since the cluster was started queries
Coordinator DWAISREQ Number of failed query requests due to an invalid state queries
Worker DWAWNODE Number of active worker nodes nodes
Worker DWAWCPU Average CPU utilization on the worker nodes %
Worker DWAWPMUA Physical memory available on the worker nodes MB
Worker DWAWPMUU Physical memory in use on worker nodes MB
Worker DWAQQUEL Average query queue length queries
Worker DWAQUEHM Query queue length high-water mark queries
Worker DWAWSMDA Shared memory available MB
Worker DWAWSMDU Average shared memory used MB
Worker DWAWSMDM Maximum shared memory used MB
Worker DWADIMRT The ratio between replicated and distributed data %
Worker DWAAQQWT Average query queue wait time ms (microseconds)
Worker DWAQWTHW Query queue wait time high-water mark ms (microseconds)


The following example shows how to convert the returned result set into a table expression.

SELECT c.* FROM TABLE(ifx_getdwaMetrics('MyAccelerator')) (c);   

The following example shows how to select all metrics for the worker nodes.

SELECT c.* FROM TABLE(ifx_getdwaMetrics('MyAccel')) (c) 
WHERE c.group='Worker'; 

The following example shows how to select the value and the unit of the metric that is named 'DWAWNODE'.

SELECT c.value, c.unit FROM TABLE(ifx_getdwaMetrics('MyAccel')) (c)

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