SQL administration routines

You can use the Informix® Warehouse Accelerator functions and procedures from the command line or in an application to automate administration tasks.

The names of the functions and the procedures are not case sensitive.

Here are the character limits for the SQL administration routine elements:
  • Accelerator name length - 128 characters
  • IP address length - 256 characters
  • Data mart name length - 128 characters
  • Schema name length - 128 characters
  • Table name length - 128 characters
  • Column name length - 128 characters
  • Authentication token length - 100 characters (generated by the system)

You must have permissions to administer Informix Warehouse Accelerator. For more information, see Permissions for administering Informix Warehouse Accelerator.

You cannot run Informix Warehouse Accelerator functions and procedures from the sysadmin database.

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