Refresh time series virtual partition

After you define virtual partitions and load the data mart, you can refresh the time series data for a single virtual partition by running the ifx_TSDW_updatePartition() routine.

For example, you can refresh the time series data for March 2012 by running the following statement:
ifx_TSDW_updatePartition('demo_dwa', 'datamart_name', 'informix', 'ts_data_v', 26);
or by using a time stamp to identify the virtual partition:
ifx_TSDW_updatePartition('demo_dwa', 'demo_mart', 'informix', 'ts_data_v',
	'2012-03'::datetime year to month);

This figure shows that the last month in the 2012 time period is updated:

Shows the that last month in the 2012 time period is updated.

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