Data marts for time series data
You can create data marts that contain tables that represent time series data. Typically, such tables are fact tables in the data mart.
The TimeSeries data type is not directly supported by Informix® Warehouse Accelerator, but you can create a data mart for time series data based on a virtual table. The virtual table is a relational representation of a table that has a TimeSeries column. Use the virtual table in your data mart definition, not the table that contains the TimeSeries column.
Before you can create a data mart for time series data, you must create a virtual table that is based on the time series table, by using the TSCreateVirtualTab procedure. The TSVTMode parameter of the TSCreateVirtualTab procedure must include the TS_VTI_SCAN_DISCREET setting.
When you load the data mart on the accelerator, the time series data is retrieved from the virtual table. There is no in-memory copy of the data.
By default, the time series data on the accelerator is not partitioned.
Unpartitioned data can slow the load speed and query execution time, and to refresh the data you must reload the complete virtual table. However, you can virtually partition the time series data to limit the amount of data on the accelerator. Virtual partitions can be refreshed without reloading the complete data set.