Example: Continuous refresh of accelerated time series data
Use this step-by-step example as a guide to continuously refresh accelerated Informix® time series data by using Informix Warehouse Accelerator.
The example assumes that you have already setup and configured Informix Warehouse Accelerator and that you have a working data mart.
Step 1: Define the continuous refresh procedure
a row into the scheduler in the sysadmin database to add the
continuous refresh stored procedure. The accelerator name and data
mart name are provided:
create dba function
(task_id integer, task_seq integer, accel varchar(128), mart varchar(128))
returning integer
define task_interval like sysadmin:ph_task.tk_frequency;
define mart_id like sysadmin:iwa_datamarts.m_mart_id;
define mart_dbname like sysadmin:iwa_datamarts.m_dbname;
define table_owner like sysadmin:iwa_marttables.mt_owner;
define table_name like sysadmin:iwa_marttables.mt_tabname;
define table_id like sysadmin:iwa_marttables.mt_tab_id;
define cal_name like sysadmin:iwa_tsvt_partcal.calname;
define has_windows like sysadmin:iwa_tsvt_partcal.parted;
define cal_startdate datetime year to fraction(5);
define upd_begin integer;
define upd_end integer;
define win_begin integer;
define win_end integer;
define index integer;
define upd_result lvarchar;
define sql_err integer;
on exception set sql_err
return sql_err;
end exception
Step 2: Define the frequency of refresh
the frequency of the refresh.
select tk_frequency into task_interval
from sysadmin:ph_task where tk_id = task_id;
Step 3: Add the data mart definition from the sysadmin database
Add the data mart definition from the sysadmin database.
The data mart must already exist.
-- Get the data mart information from the sysadmin database.
select m_mart_id, m_dbname
into mart_id, mart_dbname from sysadmin:iwa_datamarts
where m_accel_name=accel and m_name=mart;
-- The data mart must already exist.
if mart_id is NULL then return -1; end if
-- The data mart must be defined in the current database.
if mart_dbname != DBINFO('dbname') THEN return -2; end if
-- For each fact table that is a time series virtual table.
foreach select mt_tab_id, mt_owner, mt_tabname
into table_id, informix, table_name
from sysadmin:iwa_marttables mt,
informix.systables t, informix.sysams a
where mt_mart_id = mart_id
and mt.mt_isfact = 1
and mt.mt_tabid = t.tabid
and a.am_id = t.am_id
and a.am_name = 'ts_vtam'
Step 4: Add the time series virtual table partitioning calendar
Add the time series virtual table from the sysadmin database.
If there is no partitioning calendar, the virtual table is not included.
-- Get the time series virtual table partitioning calendar.
select calname, parted into cal_name, has_windows
from sysadmin:iwa_tsvt_partcal
where tab_id = table_id;
-- If no partitioning calendar, skip the time series virtual table.
if cal_name is null then continue foreach; end if
Step 5: Define the calendar
Define the calendar
by querying the time series table with the CalStartDate function
to obtain the existing start date, and then refresh the time series
data with the ifx_TSDW_updatePartition() function to get the
latest information.
-- Get the calendar start date.
execute function CalStartDate(cal_name) into cal_startdate;
if cal_startdate is NULL then continue foreach; end if
-- Get the calendar index of current time and update the end index.
execute function CalIndex(
cal_name, cal_startdate, current) into upd_end;
if upd_end is NULL or upd_end < 0 then continue foreach; end if
let upd_end = upd_end + 1;
-- Get the calendar index of current time and update the begin index.
execute function CalIndex(
cal_name, cal_startdate, current-task_interval) into upd_begin;
-- An index value less than zero is not allowed.
if upd_begin < 0 then let upd_begin = 0; end if
-- If the time windows are defined:
if has_windows = 1 then
-- Get all time windows that overlap the calendar start and end times.
foreach select begin, end into win_begin, win_end
from sysadmin:iwa_tsvt_windows
where tab_id = table_id
and end > upd_begin and begin < upd_end
if win_begin < upd_begin then let win_begin = upd_begin; end if
if win_end > upd_end then let win_end = upd_end; end if
let index = win_begin;
while index < win_end
execute function ifx_TSDW_updatePartition(
demo_dwa, datamart_name, informix, ts_data_v,
into upd_result;
let index = index + 1;
end while
end foreach
-- If time windows are not defined.
let index = upd_begin;
while index < upd_end
execute function ifx_TSDW_updatePartition(
demo_dwa, datamart_name, informix, ts_data_v, calendar_index)
into upd_result;
let index = index + 1;
end while
end if
end foreach
return 0;
end function;
Step 6: Grant access to the scheduler
the GRANT statement to give access to the continuous refresh stored
procedure in the sysadmin database scheduler.
grant execute on function
to public as informix;
Step 7: Add the continuous refresh procedure to the scheduler
Add an entry to the scheduler ph_task table
in the sysadmin database to refresh the data every 15 minutes.
insert into 'sysadmin':ph_task
tk_dbs, -- The database where the data mart is located.
tk_execute, -- The continuous refresh procedure to run.
tk_start_time, -- Whether to start immediately or later.
tk_stop_time, -- The stop time or never stop (NULL).
tk_frequency, -- Indicates the frequency, which in this case is 15 minutes.
values (
'trickle feed for data mart myMart@myAccel',
'execute function ifx_continuous_refresh($DATA_TASK_ID,$DATA_SEQ_ID,
datetime(00:00:00) hour to second,
interval(15) minute to minute, -- The frequency in which the task is run.