ondwa listmarts command

Use the ondwa listmarts command to show information about existing data marts in the accelerators.

To run this command, log on to the computer where the accelerator server is installed either as user root or as user informix. For you to run the command as user informix, specific memory resources must be available. For more information, see Users who can run the ondwa commands.

$ ondwa listmarts
The following example lists the existing data marts that are found in the accelerators:
Found 4 marts:
mart="cq_sqrt", martid="151", accelerator="IDS.dwa1", state="ACTIVE", 
epoch="1", lastload="2014-12-08 11:23:16.788831" mart="iwadb_mart1", martid="152", accelerator="IDS.dwa1", state="ACTIVE",
epoch="3", lastload="2015-01-09 17:44:40.822332", lastupdate="2015-01-13 16:43:49.048554" mart="iwadb_mart2", martid="153", accelerator="IDS.dwa1", state="LOAD PENDING",
epoch="0" mart="iwadb_mart2", martid="154", accelerator="IDS.dwa2", state="LOAD PENDING",

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