ondwa reset command

The ondwa reset command removes all of the files from the accelerator server storage directory that were created by the accelerator server under the shared and local/* subdirectories.

To run this command, log on to the computer where the accelerator server is installed either as user root or as user informix. For you to run the command as user informix, specific memory resources must be available. For more information, see Users who can run the ondwa commands.

Important: Before using this command, you must drop all data marts on the accelerator server.
$ ondwa reset

The ondwa reset command also removes all of the entries of your accelerator server under the /dev/shm directory.

This command does not remove the log files for the accelerator server node and the files created by the ondwa setup command. After you run the ondwa reset command, you can initialize the accelerator server by using the ondwa start command.

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