STOP_APPLY configuration parameter

Use the STOP_APPLY configuration parameter to stop an RS secondary server from applying log files received from the primary server.

onconfig.std value
default value
0 = Apply logs

1 = Stop applying logs immediately

YYYY:MM:DD-hh:mm:ss = Stop the log apply at a specified time, where:
  • YYYY = Year
  • MM = Month
  • DD = Day
  • hh = Hour (24-hour notation)
  • mm = Minute
  • ss = Second
takes effect
After you edit your onconfig file and restart the database server.
When you reset the value dynamically in your onconfig file by running the onmode -wf command.
When you reset the value in memory by running the onmode -wm command.


Stopping the application of log files allows you to recover quickly from erroneous database modifications by restoring the data from the RS secondary server. You can configure the server to either stop the application of logs immediately, or at a specified point in time. When setting the value of STOP_APPLY you must also set LOG_STAGING_DIR. If STOP_APPLY is configured and LOG_STAGING_DIR is not set to a valid and secure directory, the server cannot be initialized.

Log files are stored in binary format in a directory specified by the LOG_STAGING_DIR configuration parameter. You must specify a valid and secure location for the log files.

To see information about the data being sent to the log-staging directory set for a RS secondary server, run the onstat -g rss verbose command on the RS secondary server.

If the write to the staging file fails, the RS secondary server raises event alarm 40007.

The time value specified for the STOP_APPLY configuration parameter is assumed to be in the same timezone as the RS secondary server.

The dbexport utility cannot support write operations on an updatable secondary server unless the STOP_APPLY parameter is set. (Besides STOP_APPLY, the UPDATABLE_SECONDARY and USELASTCOMMITTED configuration parameters must also be set to enable write operations by dbexport on a secondary data replication server.)

If a remote stand-alone secondary (RSS) server has its STOP_APPLY configuration parameter set to a value other than 0, that server cannot use cluster transaction coordination.

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