S6_USE_REMOTE_SERVER_CFG configuration parameter

Use the S6_USE_REMOTE_SERVER_CFG configuration parameter to control whether the file specified by the REMOTE_SERVER_CFG configuration parameter is used to authenticate secure connections for server clusters and Enterprise Replication.

onconfig.std value
default value
0 = The system hosts.equiv file is used to authenticate servers connecting through a secure port.

1 = The file specified by the REMOTE_SERVER_CFG configuration parameter is used to authenticate servers connecting through a secure port.

takes effect
After you edit your onconfig file and restart the database server.
When you reset the value dynamically in your onconfig file by running the onmode -wf command.
When you reset the value in memory by running the onmode -wm command.


The REMOTE_SERVER_CFG configuration parameter is used to specify a file that lists the remote server hosts that are trusted by the computer housing the database server. If one or more of the listed servers are configured using the sqlhosts file connection-security option s=6, then you must set the S6_USE_REMOTE_SERVER_CFG configuration parameter to 1.

If S6_USE_REMOTE_SERVER_CFG is unset or set to 0, the system hosts.equiv file, rather than the file specified by the REMOTE_SERVER_CFG configuration parameter, is used to authenticate servers connecting through a secure port.

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