SMX_PING_RETRY configuration parameter

Use the SMX_PING_RETRY configuration parameter to specify the maximum number of times that a secondary server repeats the timeout interval that is specified by the SMX_PING_INTERVAL configuration parameter if a response from the primary server is not received. If the maximum number is reached without a response, the secondary server prints an error message in the online.log and closes the Server Multiplexer Group (SMX) connection.

onconfig.std value
Any positive integer = The maximum number of times to repeat the timeout interval.
takes effect
After you edit your onconfig file and restart the database server.
When you reset the value dynamically in your onconfig file by running the onmode -wf command.
When you reset the value in memory by running the onmode -wm command.
After you run the SQL administration API task() or admin() function with the After you run the SQL administration API task() or admin() function with the "onmode","-wf SMX_PING_RETRY=value" or "onmode","-wm SMX_PING_RETRY=value" argument.


If the secondary server does not receive any message during the length of time that is specified by the SMX_PING_INTERVAL configuration parameter and after the number of intervals that are specified by the SMX_PING_RETRY configuration parameter, the secondary server prints an error message to the online.log and closes the SMX connection. If an SMX timeout message is in the online.log, you can increase the SMX_PING_INTERVAL value, the SMX_PING_RETRY value, or both of these values.

This configuration parameter applies only to secondary servers. If you set SMX_PING_RETRY on the primary server, it becomes effective if the primary server becomes a secondary server.

If the onconfig file of a secondary server in a high-availability cluster has the following entries, the secondary server waits a total of 60 seconds for activity from the primary server. If there is no activity from the primary server during those 60 seconds, the secondary server closes the SMX connection and writes an error message to the online log.

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