Creating a default sbspace

A default sbspace must exist before you create a bts index. The database server sets up internal directories for basic text searching in a default sbspace.

The database server also stores bts indexes in the default sbspace unless you explicitly specify another sbspace when you create the index. Be sure the default sbspace is large enough to hold all of these objects. Monitor the size of the default sbspace and increase its size when necessary.

If you do not explicitly create a default sbspace and set the SBSPACENAME configuration parameter in the onconfig file before you create a bts index, the database server creates a default sbspace automatically before running the CREATE INDEX statement, according to the following criteria in this order:

  • If storage provisioning is configured, the default sbspace is created in the designated storage pool.
  • If the root dbspace was created in a directory, the default sbspace is created in the same directory and could use the same files system as the root dbspace.
  • If the root dbspace is a raw device in the /dev directory, the default sbspace is created in the $INFORMIXDIR/tmp directory.

The sbspace for bts index must have buffering enabled. Buffering is enabled by default when you create an sbspace. You can use various methods to create an sbspace, including the onspaces utility, the SQL administration API task() function with the create sbspace argument, or through storage provisioning, if you have configured a storage pool.

To create the default sbspace:

  1. Set the SBSPACENAME configuration parameter in the configuration file to the name of your default sbspace.
    The following example sets the name of the default sbspace to sbsp1:
  2. Restart the database server.
  3. Create the sbspace.
    The following example creates an sbspace called sbsp1 in the file c:\IFMXDATA\sbspace by using the onspaces utility:
    onspaces -c -S sbsp1 -p c:\IFMXDATA\sbspace -o 0 -s 100000 

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