Configure the database server to use distributed queries

To use multiple HCL Informix® servers for distributed queries, you must make sure that all of the database servers involved are configured to enable server-to-server communications over the network.

Edit the following configuration files to allow distributed queries:
  • The sqlhosts file to hold connectivity information about other servers
  • The onconfig file to set DBSERVERALIASES, NETTYPE, REMOTE_USERS_CFG, and REMOTE_SERVER_CFG configuration parameters
  • The file specified by the REMOTE_USERS_CFG or REMOTE_SERVER_CFG configuration parameter to configure network security
  • The /etc/services and /etc/hosts files, or their equivalents managed via network systems such as NIS+, for TCP/IP network configuration
Note: To configure network security, use the file you specify with the REMOTE_USERS_CFG or REMOTE_SERVER_CFG configuration parameter instead of the hosts.equiv or trusted users' rhosts files.
To set up several database servers to use distributed queries, use one of the following ways to store the sqlhosts information for all the databases:
  • In one sqlhosts file, pointed to by the INFORMIXSQLHOSTS environment variable
  • In separate sqlhosts files in each database server directory
  • In a centrally managed file on a network mounted, read-only file system, with the sqlhosts file in each database server directory being a symbolic link to the centrally managed file
Note: To use non-root installations of the database server for distributed queries, you must set one of the following configuration parameters in the onconfig file:
  • REMOTE_USERS_CFG, which specifies the alternative to using the rhosts file for listing trusted users on a remote server.
  • REMOTE_SERVER_CFG, which specifies the alternative to using the etc/hosts.equiv file for listing trusted remote hosts.

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