Row Data sbspaces

Replicated data might include UDT and CLOB or BLOB data types. Therefore, the spooled row data is stored as smart large objects in one or more sbspaces.

The CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE configuration parameter accepts multiple sbspaces, up to a maximum of 32 sbspaces. Enterprise Replication can support a combination of logging and non-logging sbspaces for storing spooled row data. If CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE is configured for multiple sbspaces, then Enterprise Replication uses all appropriate sbspaces in round-robin order.

You can have Enterprise Replication automatically configure disk space from the storage pool and set the CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE configuration parameter when defining a replication server. If the CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE configuration parameter is not set and the database server has a storage pool with sufficient space, the cdr define command performs the following tasks:
  • Creates a new sbspace using one or more new chunks from the storage pool
  • Sets the CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE configuration parameter both in memory and in the onconfig file to the newly defined sbspace.
For clusters, the cdr define command creates new sbspaces and sets the CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE configuration parameters in all secondary database servers, as well.
Note: A database server's storage pool must have 500 MB of free space for sbspaces, and chunk sizes of 100 MB or greater for the database server to use automatic storage provisioning.

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