Repair inconsistencies by time stamp

You can repair inconsistencies based on the latest time stamps among the participants instead of specifying a master server.

If your replicates use the time stamp or delete wins conflict resolution rule, you can repair inconsistencies between the participants based on the latest time stamp on any participant. If you run a time stamp repair, you do not specify a master server whose data is considered correct and to which all the other participants are matched.

To ensure that a time stamp repair is accurate, follow these guidelines:

To run a time stamp repair, use the cdr check replicate or cdr check replicateset command with the --repair and --timestamp options. If your replicates use the delete wins conflict resolution rule, also include the --deletewins option.

If a time stamp repair finds an extra row on any participant, the result depends on the conflict resolution rule and the last transaction for that row:

If a time stamp repair finds mismatched rows on different servers, then the most recent update transaction for that row is replicated to the other server.

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