CDR_DELAY_PURGE_DTC configuration parameter

Specifies how long to retain rows in delete tables to support the delete wins conflict resolution rule.

onconfig.std value
default value if not present in the onconfig
range of values
The range of values for time are 0 and positive integers.
The range of values for unit are:
  • S = seconds (Default)
  • M = minutes
  • H = hours
  • D = days
takes effect
After you edit your onconfig file and restart the database server.
When you reset the value dynamically in your onconfig file by running the onmode -wf command.
When you reset the value in memory by running the onmode -wm command.

By default, rows in delete tables are deleted when those rows are no longer required by the timestamp conflict resolution rule. If you want to perform time stamp repair and your replicates use the delete wins conflict resolution rule, set the CDR_DELAY_PURGE_DTC configuration parameter to the maximum age of modifications to rows that are being actively updated. The longer you retain rows in delete tables, the more accurate time stamp repairs are, but the more disk space the delete tables consume.

Tip: Right before you enable a disabled server, dynamically update the CDR_DELAY_PURGE_DTC configuration parameter to set it to a value slightly greater than the time that the server was disabled plus the amount of time a repair takes.

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