The decimal data type

IBM® Informix® ESQL/C supports the SQL DECIMAL and MONEY data types with the decimal data type. The decimal data type is a machine-independent method that represents numbers of up to 32 significant digits, with valid values in the range 10-129 - 10+125.

The DECIMAL data type can take the following two forms:
  • DECIMAL(p) floating point

    When you define a column with the DECIMAL(p) data type, it has a total of p (< = 32) significant digits. DECIMAL(p) has an absolute value range 10-130 - 10124.

  • DECIMAL(p,s) fixed point

    When you define a column with the DECIMAL(p,s) data type, it has a total of p (< = 32) significant digits (the precision) and s (< = p) digits to the right of the decimal point (the scale).

For a complete description of the DECIMAL data type, see the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference.

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