The decimal library functions

You must perform all operations on decimal type numbers through the following Informix® ESQL/C library functions for the decimal data type. Any other operations, modifications, or analyses can produce unpredictable results.
Table 1. Manipulation functions
Function name Description See
decadd() Adds two decimal numbers The decadd() function
deccmp() Compares two decimal numbers The deccmp() function
deccopy() Copies a decimal number The deccopy() function
decdiv() Divides two decimal numbers The decdiv() function
decmul() Multiplies two decimal numbers The decmul() function
decround() Rounds a decimal number The decround() function
decsub() Subtracts two decimal numbers The decsub() function
dectrunc() Truncates a decimal number The dectrunc() function
Table 2. Type conversion functions
Function name Description See
deccvasc() Converts a C char type value to a decimal type value The deccvasc() function
deccvdbl() Converts a C double type value to a decimal type value The deccvdbl() function
deccvint() Converts a C int type value to a decimal type value The deccvint() function
deccvlong() Converts a C 4-byte integer type value to a decimal type value The deccvlong() function
dececvt() Converts a decimal value to an ASCII string The dececvt() and decfcvt() functions
decfcvt() Converts a decimal value to an ASCII string The dececvt() and decfcvt() functions
dectoasc() Converts a decimal type value to an ASCII string The dectoasc() function
dectodbl() Converts a decimal type value to a C double type value The dectodbl() function
dectoint() Converts a decimal type value to a C int type value The dectoint() function
dectolong() Converts a decimal type value to a C 4-byte integer type value The dectolong() function

For information about the function rfmtdec(), which allows you to format a decimal number, see Numeric-formatting functions. For additional information about decimal values, see Operations that involve a decimal value

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