The session table in the onpload database

The session table controls the parameters that onpload uses to start a load or unload job.

Table 1. Columns in the session table
Column Type Description
sessiontype CHAR(1) Describes the type of load or unload session:
  • U = Job is driven by the user interface.
  • N = Job expects a socket interface and is removed when the job is finished.
  • S = Job is run from the command line.
automate CHAR(1) Flag for automatically creating maps and formats at run time:
  • Y = Create automatically.
  • blank = Do not create.
lockflag CHAR(1) Flag for locking mechanism that ipload uses
sessionid SERIAL Session identifier (primary key)
name CHAR(130) Name of the load or unload job. This name appears in the command line displayed in the Load Job Select or Unload Job Select window.
status CHAR(1) Job status:
  • R = Running
  • C = Connecting
  • S = Starting
  • blank = Job is complete.
server CHAR(40) Override default server to load and unload
map CHAR(18) Name of the map that controls the load (foreign key to the name column of the maps table; the maps table specifies the format and, for unload jobs, the query)
infile CHAR(160) Name of the device array (foreign key to the name column of the device table)
hostname CHAR(40) Name of the computer on which the onpload utility is running
dbname CHAR(30) Name of database to be loaded or unloaded
filter CHAR(128) Filter for screening import data (foreign key to the name column of the filters table)
recordfilter CHAR(384) File in which to store filtered records
suspensefile CHAR(384) File in which to store records that do not pass conversion
rejectfile CHAR(384) File in which to place records that the database server rejected
logfile CHAR(384) File in which to place session status messages
projectid INTEGER Project for maps and formats (foreign key to the project table)
headersize INTEGER Size in bytes of header information to strip from input
quiet INTEGER If true, suppresses status message output
tracelevel INTEGER Higher values result in more status messages
sourcetrace INTEGER If true, source and module line numbers are placed in status message outputs
multicthread INTEGER Sets the maximum number of conversion threads that you can invoke on a device
blocksize INTEGER I/O block size for accessing device
filetype INTEGER Specifies the type of file: tape, array, pipe (UNIX only)
number_records INTEGER Specifies the number of records to load
start_record INTEGER Specifies the number of the record at which to start loading
maxerrors INTEGER Maximum number of errors to allow before aborting the load or unload
swapbytes INTEGER Specifies the number of bytes to swap

(If swapbytes is 4, the first 4 bytes are swapped with the next 4 bytes. If blank, bytes are not swapped.)

runmode INTEGER Contains a value that qualifies onpload to perform a load or unload operation. You can determine the run mode by selecting the loadmode and runmode fields from the session table.
For load operations, the runmode is a combination of the following values:
  • 129 = Deluxe mode + conversion
  • 130 = Express® mode + conversion
  • 385 = Deluxe mode + no violations + conversion
  • 386 = Express mode + conversion + no violations
  • 4225 = Deluxe mode + no replication + conversion
  • 4481 = Deluxe mode + no replication + no violations + conversion
For example, you could have this command for a load operation:
 onpladm create job j4 -flN -D tst -t 
tab1 -d data.unl
For this command for a load job, the runmode value is:
 0x00001081 = Deluxe+Conversion+NoReplication
For unload operations, the runmode is a combination of the following values:
  • 2 = No conversion
  • 129 = Conversion (128) + dirty read isolation level (1)
  • 130 = Conversion (128) + committed read isolation level (2)
  • 131 = Conversion (128) + cursor stability isolation level (3)
  • 132 = conversion (128) + repeatable read isolation level (4)
loadmode INTEGER Type of job:
  • 1 = Load
  • 2 = Unload
caseconvert INTEGER Case conversion type. Convert to:
  • U or u = uppercase
  • L or l = lowercase
  • P or p = proper names
commitinterval INTEGER Commit interval for committing a load transaction.

The value is specified in the Load Options window, Figure 1. The commit interval applies only to deluxe mode.

socketport INTEGER Set by onpload to specify the port number of the connection
numtapes INTEGER Number of tapes to load
Tip: Deluxe-mode loads do not support the “no conversion” option and the “with conversion and do not generate violations table” option.

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