Components of IBM Informix Enterprise Hypervisor Edition

IBM® Informix® Enterprise Hypervisor Edition can create consistent, validated, and repeatable HCL Informix instances within a cloud environment. You can use a predefined IBM Informix Enterprise Hypervisor Edition pattern as is, or you can modify the pattern's components, and then deploy your new virtual system pattern.

Virtual images, virtual system patterns, and parts

IBM Informix Enterprise Hypervisor Edition virtual images and virtual system patterns create consistent, validated, and repeatable HCL Informix instances within a cloud environment. You can use a predefined IBM Informix Enterprise Hypervisor Edition pattern as is, or you can modify the pattern topology before you deploy it.

When you deploy a virtual system pattern on an Informix Server, each part within the pattern becomes a virtual machine that contains an operating system and any number of applications. Each part has properties that you configure to create a specific HCL Informix instance in your personal cloud.

The Informix Server part becomes virtual machine that contains a configurable instance of HCL Informix when it is added to a virtual system pattern and then deployed into a cloud environment. You must set part properties during the virtual system deployment.

Script packages and add-ons

Script packages are simple containers that contain all the required artifacts necessary to perform operations on virtual machines during the deployment process. You can upload a compressed script package to your deployer's catalog, and then add it to a virtual system pattern.

Add-ons are specialized scripts that customize virtual machines. Add-ons provide fine-tuning for hardware and operating system configuration. Default add-ons that perform tasks such as adding a new user, virtual disk, or virtual network interface card to a virtual machine are available in your deployer's catalog.

For more information about virtual images, virtual system patterns, parts, script packages, and add-ons, refer to the information center for your deployer:

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